Monday, January 14, 2013

Beach in January and other adventures!

We went to the beach this past weekend.  The weather was in the 70's and the beach was beautiful.  The ocean was freezing, but it didn't bother me.  Remember, I was born is Steamboat where the weather this time of year is in the single digits.  Here I am in a tide pool, it was much warmer that the ocean water. 

 Olive even got in with me!

Oh, I forgot to tell you, DaDa got in too! 


Did you all know I can paint?
 I love playing with my old baby toys!

 Mom let me take Olive for a walk. I did really good, other than dropping the leash every other step!

 Playground time!  I was watching a big-girl at the park play and I was trying to imitate her.  I wasn't very successful because I am still to small. Here are pictures of me giving it my best!

Climbing on a log will give you a dirty bum! 
This is my baby doll! She is one of my favorite toys, with all the new babies in the family!

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