Saturday, April 27, 2013

Strawberry Farm!

On Friday, Mom and I went to a local strawberry farm and got to pick our own strawberries.  I LOVED it.  As Mom was picking them, I was eating them.  They were beautiful and bright red.  


I loved it so much, I sat right on the mounds where the berries were growing. 

Mom taught me the green ones are not quite ripe.


 Job well done! 
If you look really close, you can see all the strawberry juice dripping from my chin.

Look at our Loot!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

New Sun Hat

Hi everyone.  Mom was back at it again. Here are some photos from yesterday when Momma and I played outside in the sweet, sweet Spring sunshine! I am sporting my new sun hat!

In the photo above, I was asking Mom to ride on my bike with me.  He said she was too big, although I'm sure I could make room. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Yearly Piersol Family Photo

Easter, and more!

Ok, Ok, this post is for Aunt Patsy and Uncle Ralph.  Sorry is has taken Mommy so long to get to it.

Here is a cute picture Mommy took of me.  I think I was reading a book!
 Mommy, Daddy and I went to Colorado a couple weeks ago.  We sold our condo, the one I was born in, and had to box up all our stuff and put it in storage.  In this photo, I was helping Mommy unpack our suitcase, actually I was just using it as a reading spot.  I would climb to the top and start flipping pages.  We had to get unpacked so we could repack to meet everyone at Sunset Beach the next week for a family vacation.
 Once everyone made it to the beach, we colored Easter eggs.  It was fun, Mommy and GiGi helped me, I ended up cracking most of the eggs, but GiGi said it was ok because we probably weren't going to eat them anyway.  

 And then Easter Morning came! I got to go through my Easter basket.  It was filled with lost of fun toys!

 Here is my cousin Bennet and my Aunt Mere.  I was showing them all the cool things the Easter Bunny put in my basket!
 Next, it was time to get ready for Church.  Mommy put this really pretty dress on me.  After church, we came home and started our Easter egg hunt.  I guess the Easter Bunny hides eggs for all the kids? Or maybe I am just really lucky? Either way, it was fun!
 He even hid one on the turtle!

 Dad was helping me with this one! Looks who is in the background, Aunt Patsy, Uncle Ralph, and Uncle Roy! They all helped me too, and took lots of photos!
 I had to be the big cousin and help out little Bennett.  He was too little to pick up the eggs himself, so I had to do it for him! It was fun helping!

Family Photo, even Olive was included!

 My Aunts and Uncles brought Bennett and I presents.  Mommy helped my open them.  I got these two talking stuffed animals.  They are really fun to play with.  
 And my new favorite trick is walking up and down GiGi stars in the back yard.  Everyone would clap for me!

 After lunch, we went and visited Mommy's side of the family.  They were vacationing in Myrtle beach.  This is a picture of my cousin Mason and I.  We were relaxing on the porch watching the waves roll in!
 Apparently, the Easter Bully even comes to Myrtle Beach because I got a giant bunny shaped chocolate sucker.  

 Pama made special Easter cookies.  I LOVED them!
 As always, GiGi read me lots of books.  I especially like the book in this photo.  It makes all the animal sounds when you turn the pages!
Oh, and last but not least, I showed off my IPad skills. I think I really impressed all the Aunts and Uncles!