Thursday, August 23, 2012

11 month pictures

Here I am, 11 month young!

Mom thinks these look like senior pictures! 

         Serious                                                        Normal                                                    Funny

DaDa even got to help Mom out with the shoot.  

With DaDa helping, we managed to have some fun.  Here I am going back and forth on the glider ottoman! A couple times I got a little out of control and almost fell, luckily DaDa always caught me!    

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A day in the life of VERA

Here is a short glimpse of what I do on a normal day.  

First, we go to the toilet.  I always pee and toot, and 50 percent of the time I go number 2! Because Mom and Dad always laugh at me when I toot, I now smile whenever I let one squeak out.  

 This is me telling Dad that I am all done!  

Now I am trying to flush the toilet!

Next, we all eat breakfast and then I get to do my favorite thing, walk in my walker! I love my walker. It gives me a new sense of mobility.  Really, who needs to learn how to craw or even walk when you have a walker? 


In this picture, I found the air filters and brought them all the way from the back hallway, to the kitchen.  It was hard work, but well worth it, although I am not really sure why!
In my walker with the remote and food on the tray, what more could a girl ask for?

After all that, I am due for a nap! 

Recently, I have been sleeping with my bum up in the air!

After my nap, I help Mom out around the house with chores.  In these pictures, I was helping with the laundry! I am not really good at folding, although with smiles like this, I keep Mom in a really good mood while she works away!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Some of this.... Some of that...

Here are some pics of GiGi and me at the beach.  We like to play under the new colorful umbrella.

 Vera in the mirror!
 This is the little frog that lives on our house! He is so cute and green!

 Did you hear that DaDa got a new Harley? 
 Step 1
 Step 2

 Step 3
 I like to give my Momma love
GiGi's hydrangea finally bloomed for the first time! 

Family Shot!

Here are some of Mom's new favorite Family Photos! I'm not so sure how much I will like this one when I am older, but I don't think Mom really cares! 
 If you take a close look at my face in this one you will see I was making some noise.... I can't remember what I was saying but I am sure it was really important.  
 DaDa and I always have fun at the beach! He shows me the ins and outs of the waves.
 Vera on top! I think this is the hierarchy of the family... Sorry Mom.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

10 Month shots

Here I am, 10 (really 10 and a half) months old!

 I don't do this much, but this is what I look like when I cry!


Look what I learned how to do.

I can open cupboard doors.....
 I then take a good look at what I want...                                                        And it's all mine!...........

Dad better be installing some infant locks on the doors, because here I come!

This is what happens when Mom puts me in front of all my books! I like to make a mess!