Thursday, May 24, 2012

*8 Months*

 I am now 8 months old.... Look at all the hair I have grown in the last month..

These are my funny faces!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

April Showers Bring May Flowers, and Pama!

Pama came to visit this week... We had a lot of fun. The weather was really nice so we went to the pool almost everyday.  We also went to the Botanical Gardens and I played with dandelions for the first time. 

I even tried to eat them... Not good, take my word for it!

Pama taught me all about the flowers.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I'm Back!

Hello Everyone.... Here's what I've been up to the last couple of days!
This is what I look like after I feed myself. Actually, I look like this after Mom feeds me too.  We are both a little messy!

Did you notice?... My feet can finally touch the ground in my walker. 

Lodie and Olive both make me laugh! 

MOM!.... I just wet my pants, I was laughing too hard.. I think Dad said Aunt Mere does this too!

 Mom and I watched Wyatt last Friday. These next 3 pictures explain our relationship very well.
We play.....

Look, Wyatt's arm is around my shoulder!

And then we get mad at each other....
 In honor of the Kentucky Derby, I asked Mom to make me a hat made of bubbles....  I think it looks a bit like Great Grandma Barb's hair! What do you think?